Financial optimism for 2012

At the end of 2011 an Associated Press poll found 62 percent of Americans are optimistic about what 2012 will bring for the nation and 78 percent are hopeful about their family situation, while nearly 70 percent say that 2011 was a year to forget.

Food and gas prices surged in 2011, but there are some signs that the increases are leveling off as the new year begins. About one-third of Americans think their financial situation will improve in 2012, while 11 percent think it will worsen in the coming months.

On political lines, Democrats were more likely to give good reviews to both the old and new year than Republicans. But no trends were discerned concerning individual candidates in the Presidential election.

If you spent 2011 mired in credit card or medical debt, or trying to bail out a house that isn’t worth it anymore, starting the new year off from scratch by filing a bankruptcy case may be the best way to force a turnaround in 2012. Those who file for Chapter 7 now are likely to have their cases completed by the time spring rolls around, and will probably be rebuilding their credit score by the time the holidays roll around again.

If you’d like a fresh start via bankruptcy, and a chance to put yourself back in the optimistic column for the new year, give me a call at (978) 975 -2608 and we can set up a free meeting at my office in North Andover.


By Doug Beaton

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